
Skype business web login
Skype business web login

You can type multiple domain names, separated by commas.įor example:, , įor some reason it didn’t click with me as these are all domains used for Office 365 that are publicly accessible DNS zones.

  • Multiple DNS suffixes – When your Skype for Business infrastructure has disjointed namespaces such that one or more servers have a DNS suffix that doesn’t match the suffix of the sign-in address (SIP) for Skype for Business.
  • skype business web login

    In the above web request Lyncdiscover told the Hub that the registrar server its connecting to has a X-MS-Server-Fqdn with domain.local, which it did not automatically trust.

    skype business web login

    Testing HTTP content for URL /?sipuri= has token=”User”.Testing HTTPS authentication methods for URL /Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.svc/root/user.was found in the Certificate Subject Alternative Name entry Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it’s valid.Testing TCP port 443 on host lyncdiscover.Attempting to resolve the host name lyncdiscover.Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.svc/root. If you run a Skype for Business Autodiscover Web Service test on the following process is attempted to the Autodiscover Web Service URL: What have I said to Godzilla to hurts its feeling so badly? That it deliberately wants to make my life hard Using the Remote Connectivity Analyser (RCA) I could verify the login process for the account was successful and green ticks appeared against all lines. The Hub was using autodiscover to kick off the process of login to I knew that much and must be failing. A quick login to the Edge Server logs didn’t present many results of an attempt of SIP from. The device account I had for the Hub was in the ‘ ‘ SIP domain, but the Active Directory (AD) FQDN of the connected servers was different. In Kloud’s circumstance I didn’t think much of this issue as our Hub was logging in over an internet connection through the Edge Server that has an access FQDN of sip. What is unique to the Hub client is that its does some extra validation on the account over other SFB clients that I’m familiar with. Furthermore with my laptop in toe I could successfully login to a Skype for Business soft client with the Hub’s credentials. Skype for Business would timeout and eventually say ‘ login failure‘.Ī quick look around the Hub’s administrative settings I could see that the account configured for mail was saying ‘ synced‘ and I could verify this with a quick white board and ‘ send to email‘, which arrived promptly to my inbox. Maybe the Hub caught wind of the nickname I was calling it around the water cooler in the office, because after our first date and the Hub launched into its standard meeting experience, an error was presented. This first date was going pretty smoothly I thought.

    skype business web login

    You could feel the electricity in the air.

    skype business web login

    The Hub asked me questions, I responded politely with what I thought were all the right answers with a big smile on my face. Everything seemed so pleasant following the initial steps from the out of box experience (OOBE). Which makes this device go from a high end meeting room endpoint to a what I could only say is a giant tablet for games of tick tac toe, therefore this became my problem rather quickly. The 84 inch Surface Hub destined for our Adelaide Boardroom which I nicknamed ‘Godzilla’ has had only one problem since installation, it fails to login to Skype for Business. Excitement has grown around the Kloud office of late as each state waits with anticipation of a Surface Hub arriving to connect to our Skype for Business environment.

    Skype business web login